Who are You?

I had a dream last night in which I had signed on with a home builder to build a large house. In the dream it was a Sunday, and I noticed that a whole crew of framers had showed up at the site. I didn’t know any of them, and wondered if I should get my tools and join them. As I was wrestling with it, one of the young, tough looking carpenters came up to me and asked if I was the “62 year old carpenter” that had been hired. I laughed, said I was..then he said, “Don’t know why you want to build with us..aren’t you supposed to be building faith?” Then, I woke up.
Seems to me, this early morning, that we are being called into an intense time of building. The shaking of this past year has caused much to crumble..and the ‘house’ needs building. That’s a given. But, it seems to me that we won’t, or can’t, properly build unless we understand who we are.
The following passage in 1 John speaks to this, and has lead to the following word. So, be encouraged this morning…

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” (1 John 3:1-3)

“You ARE My children. I have called you by name. I have sealed you IN MY LOVE. I have set before you MY KINGDOM and given you INHERITANCE,” says the Lord. “It is no wonder the world does not know you. The world does not SEE WHO YOU TRULY ARE. It cannot see you because it does not see Me. That is not the issue, My children. No, the issue is this: DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?” “The time is at hand for the ‘sons of God’ to be REVEALED. The time is at hand for creation to be brought into the liberty of My children. But, Beloved, this cannot happen until YOU embrace WHO YOU ARE.”
Papa says, “Religion has lied to you, My children. It has told you that the revealing of the sons, and the revealing of MY GLORY are restricted to some future event. It has told you that you are incomplete, broken, dirty, sinful. It has planted this lie in your hearts and minds to keep you in bondage to the spirit of poverty and infirmity. To control you by its rules and laws–it is all a lie.”
“Arise and shine, My children!! For I AM breaking that lie off you! I AM shattering the chains of your bondage! I AM releasing you into GREATER GLORY!! You ARE MY CHILDREN, and the system of religion cannot hold you, the kingdoms of men cannot enslave you.” The Lord says, “Therefore, embrace your true identity. YOU ARE MY CHILDREN. You are NOT broken, dirty, sinful. You are NOT INCOMPLETE, or lacking. You are NOT AN ORPHAN…You are MINE, and all I have is yours, all I AM I give to you.” “Therefore, embrace your true identity–you are MORE THAN ENOUGH. Say this daily–“I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH”–say it often, say it until it becomes like breathing to you, say it until every hint of lack is gone from your very being.”
The Lord says, “For I AM releasing into the land ROYAL SONS, not slaves of poverty, or beggars of lack. For the time is at hand for the desolate wastelands to be once again turned into gardens of great, abundant, harvest. I AM releasing into the land WORSHIPPING WARRIORS, not fearful, powerless victims. For the time is at hand for the strongholds of the enemy to be brought down to ruin, and the prisoners to be set free!” The Lord says, “I AM releasing into the land HOLY ONES OF GLORY, not boken vessels of disease, and sufferers of infirmity. For the time is at hand for the sick to be healed, the dead to be raised. The time for the very land itself to be brought into MY GLORIOUS WHOLENESS. The days of signs, wonders, miracles for the very deliverance of all who suffer,”
“Arise and shine, My children…for great is MY LOVE poured out upon you.” “It is true,” says Papa, “that now the world does not truly SEE you, or KNOW you; but, that day is swiftly coming to a close. For, I AM revealing you, My children..and as you step forward in MY LOVE, the world WILL begin to see, truly see who you are. And, in that moment the world will SEE ME IN MY GLORY, and bow before ME,” says the Lord.

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