“Waves of Longing”

We are excited to announce our newest project in the 432experience collection of healing worship-“Waves of Longing”-is about ready to go into final production on September 6th!
This will puts us in the right time frame for the Public Release on November 2nd!
The songs are all complete and I am working on the final mix-down/mastering, as well as the finished artwork and copy for the finished product.
We are really excited!!
This CD is a follow up to our ground-breaking CD, “Gates of Ascension” and is designed to move you, the listener into deeper intimacy with Yahweh. And I truly believe will take us all to a whole new level in our experience of Heaven.
Having said all that, I want to announce that we are now taking Pre-release orders, and/or Donations. This sale is running through September 1st, so you don’t want to delay.
Right now “Waves of Longing” can be Pre-Ordered for $15.00 plus shipping/handling. After it’s released to the public the price will be $20.00.
Here’s how you can help us. You can place your order and/or make your donation right here on our website. Just go to the “Donate” page and you will be directed in how to pay.
Please include if your payment is for CD’s only (and how many), or if it’s for a donation to the project –or both. Also, if you are getting a CD make sure we have your correct mailing address.
Donna and I thank you for your love and support. Remember: this sale is only running until September 1st–so don’t wait! Your loving support is VITAL to making “Waves of Longing” possible!