Birthing a New Reality

“He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.” (Isaiah 40:29)
“Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says the Lord. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says you God…” (Isaiah 66:9)
I’ve been thinking back to when Donna and I lived in Florida and spent a few days relaxing at the beach. Each evening we went, like many others, to sit at the ocean’s edge and watch the sunset. The sound of the surf joining the stunning artwork in the heavens as daylight faded and night descended.
There is something so restful, peaceful, majestic about such an experience. At the same time, thinking about the vast expanse of the universe beyond our vision not only causes us to sit in wonder, but can have the effect of making us feel very, very small and insignificant. And, for good reason. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is around 100,000 light years across and is made up of roughly 100 billion stars. Amazing; however, our galaxy is puny compared to the galaxy ‘M87’ which is roughly 980,00 light years across, and totally eclipsed by ‘Hercules A’ which is 1.5 million light years across. Now, try to grasp this: scientists tell us that there are somewhere around 100-200 billion galaxies in a universe that is infinite.
Now, if that doesn’t make you seem REALLY SMALL nothing will. But, here’s a thought.
How many of us can relate to feeling way bigger on the inside than our physical bodies allow? I mean, there’s no sense of space or age within us. Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He (God) has also set eternity in their (man’s) heart…” (emphasis mine). God has set eternity within us so that what we experience as human beings in the flesh will not be the measure of who we are as spiritual beings. This ‘eternity‘ which is set within us is God Himself, and is boundless, and immeasurable for He is boundless and immeasurable. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us,” wrote the Apostle Paul, revealing this eternal truth. When we embrace the reality of our union with God we begin to experience an ever increasing expansion of life, an abundant life far beyond our hopes and dreams.
We may be, in the eyes of the world, as insignificant as a grain of sand in a vast dessert; but, before God and all of Heaven we are the carriers of creative potential and powerful destiny that can transform the vast dessert wasteland into a fertile landscape of life and hope. I am, of course, speaking of an eternal reality that manifests itself in the natural realm through faith.
Faith is the creative movement of the life of God in us and through us. We are created in His image to create. We are filled with desires, hopes, and dreams for the wondrous purpose of co-creating with Holy Spirit. These are placed in us by God and as we cultivate our life in Him we not only begin to sense His power at work in us, but experience that work fulfilled in very powerful, abundant ways. This is important for the many of us who struggle with a sense of inadequacy, even worthlessness in the face of overwhelming circumstances of life.
Some time ago the Lord spoke to me saying, “What you hold in your heart, you will hold in your hands.” The hopes, dreams, desires we hold so deep inside will, in fact, be held in our hands. But, not simply because we tell God what we want and have faith He will do for us what we ask of Him.
What we hold in our hearts in the spiritual realm becomes a tangible reality in the earth realm as we come into a deepening place of intimacy with God. It is from the co-mingling of our hearts we experience what we’ve longed and hoped for because it is here that we resonate with the energy, frequencies of God’s heart.
This is the “power that is at work in us” which is “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”. Intimacy is the place where His power is our power, His ability is our ability, because we are co-creating with Holy Spirit. I believe this is the heart of faith. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1) The ‘substance‘ is the movement of the creative energy of the life of God within us. The ‘evidence‘ is the manifestation of, or ‘birthing‘ of that which we have co-created with Holy Spirit. In other words, faith is not simply a mental agreement or religious conviction about the person and work of God; but, an activated eternal life in Him, a life lived from the inside-out from a place of intimate union with God.
We are in a time frame of movement in ways unlike anything we’ve ever known. There is a very real sense of the ‘time of birthing’ at hand. This birthing is of our hopes and dreams into an glorious inheritance. The desires we have long held deep inside are emerging. Now, more than ever, is the time of ‘pressing in’, of deepening our intimacy with the Lord. It is not by accident that God speaks of ‘birthing’ and ‘delivery’ (Isa. 66:9). Every woman who has gone through the process understands the intensity of focus, pressure, and labor mixed with overwhelming expectancy. The time has arrived and every ounce of energy goes into pressing in and pushing forward to hold in her hands what she has carried deep within.
As I’ve meditated on this, I have been hearing the Spirit of the Lord give these words:
“I AM holding you close, My children. I AM close, so very near. Can you feel that? Can you sense My Presence? Draw near, draw near! For strength increases according to the measure of our intimacy, our nearness. My power that is at work in you becomes OUR power at work in the movement of our intimacy.”
“You do know My Presence; however, as yet it is still at arms length-close but not too close. But, that is changing for I AM pulling you, wooing you ever deeper into Me. So close, so close.”
“The days are coming, and are now here,” says the Lord, “when you will not ask Me to ‘come’, for you will feel Me already, fully here. The veil has been taken away! Now, unveiled, with every breath you take, you feel My breath. With every step you take, you feel My steps along side yours. So close am I that before you form the words to express your desires, you will see the desires manifest before you eyes. So close are we that as you stretch out your hands for your inheritance they are at once filled.”
“I have brought you to the time of birth, and I will not close the womb. I have brought you to the place of delivery, and you shall hold in your hands what you’ve held in your heart.”