The Sound of Faith

I have been an artist/musician all my life. In the years that I was primarily painting, whether detailed, crafted landscapes or spontaneously during worship, I was trying to capture the ‘sound’ of light and color that reflected the eternal realm of God’s kingdom. The same has been true of the music I create. Now, I thought of this as I thought of the most important aspect of our lives-faith. There is a sound to faith that I am seeking to capture, explore, and release. Yes, sound. Sound is the movement of energy vibrating according to frequencies. Faith is the movement of the Eternal Life of God within us and through us. This energy of God’s Life carries its own sound; and, since we are created in God’s image we have the capacity to ‘tune in’ and experience it in physical ways.
Hebrews 11:1 captures in a concise way the essence of faith. Faith, according to the Spirit inspired writer, is both ‘substance’ and ‘evidence’. Substance is defined as: “Physical material from which something is made, that which has discrete existence, essential nature or essence, material possessions, or ultimate reality that underlies all outward manifestations and change.” Evidence is simply the visible sign of that substance. So, as I think of faith I can begin to see that it is the substance or ‘stuff’ of all our hopes, dreams, desires that, when engaged will bring these hopes, dreams, and desires out from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. We begin to hold in our hands what we’ve held in our hearts when we release the Sound of Faith.
It is all about what, or better, who we are resonating with. We are filled with the Spirit of God. Every desire, dream, hope tied to our eternal destiny and purpose is conceived and nurtured in the creative essence of His Eternal Life. The more we align with Him, the more powerful is our experience of the movement of that Life. The apostle Paul put it this way, “So I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” (Galatians 5:16) The ‘sinful nature’ is simply living in a way in which we resonate with the patterns of the world outside the heart of God. Living by the Spirit turns this all around and is what I mean by the ‘Sound of Faith’.
Paul gives what I believe to be a beautiful picture of what I’m talking about. In the same letter he writes, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23) This ‘fruit’ is the essence of Holy Spirit’s being, or who He is. The descriptive words that follow (love, joy, peace, etc.) carry their own sound. Each is a frequency resonating in and through the heart of the Spirit. They are songs in and of themselves. They are truly the Sound of Heaven. And, the more we are in tune with their frequencies, the more powerfully they work in us releasing the creative power of faith through every fiber of our being.
Are we ‘in tune’? Anyone who plays an acoustic and not digital, or electronic, instrument knows the importance of tuning. My wife, Donna, gives this illustration. Take a guitar, for instance. The guitar must be regularly, consistently tuned to a certain set of frequencies so that, when played, it will release a unified, cohesive sound creating music. It is the guitar that must come into alignment with the frequencies, not the other way around. We, like a guitar, are instruments created to release the beautiful Sound of Faith, and we will as we tune to the frequencies of God.
David writes, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4) That says it all. From the place of alignment in the Spirit comes the fulfillment of every desire through the Sound of Faith.
Are you tuning into the Sound of Faith?