The Gathering Wind
There are major movements in the Spirit these days. With so much upheaval around us, many are looking for answers. While many are looking to Washington for help, others are looking to One who is greater than all. I am convinced that the Church is being called into a new place..a place of real reformation that will lead our nation into a true restoration of her destiny.
With that in mind, I received the following word for the church. Be encouraged, for there are glorious days ahead…
The Gathering Wind
Psalm 104:1-4: “Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. He makes winds his messengers, and flames of fire his servants.”
Acts 2:1-4: When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.”
I saw 4 powerful angels standing at the four corners of the earth. They were dressed for battle with weapons of great power. And, they stood, holding large bowls. They began to tip the bowls and wind began to pour out, blowing from each corner of the earth toward the center, till they met becoming one mighty wind…
This is what I hear the Lord saying.
“Now is the time of a great gathering, a great harvest. And I AM calling forth a great army of worshipping warriors to gather in My harvest. For these are the days of Revealing, Revolution, Reformation, Restoration.” “I AM revealing My sons in these days. Revealing them in My Glory, My Power, and My Authority. My sons will lead a great revolution in the days ahead, for I AM about to tear down, to demolish strongholds; and, every idol that has been set up in opposition to My Word, My Will, and My way shall fall.” “This revolution,” says the Lord, “will release upon this land a GREAT REFORMATION, as the earth is released from her bondage into the glorious freedom of My sons.” “And, in the days ahead, I will restore to you all the enemy has stolen. And, he will be forced to repay 7 times what he took from you; and, great will be the shouts of praise and songs of deliverance throughout the land.”
“Therefore, I AM gathering the winds from the four corners of the earth. These winds have been positioned at the four corners for the purpose of setting the boundary lines in the land; for the land is MINE,” says the Lord. “These winds are My messengers–My watchmen, who have stood on the wall and proclaimed My Word with the sound of the Trumpet. They have stood on the wall and revealed, declared, and released My Word and My Will, and My Way to the land. Their voices have been the song of Heaven on the earth.” “But, till now,” says the Lord, “Their voices have been scattered to the four corners. Their song has not been a unified SYMPHONY. But, all that is changing, for I AM gathering the winds from the four corners. And, they shall meet together, joining together into ONE MIGHTY SOUND.”
The Lord says, “I AM gathering My apostles and My prophets; and their voices shall become ONE VOICE. And, My evangelists, My shepherds, My teachers shall also join with them. And, a SINGLE VOICE shall arise in these days. A voice that shall blow across the land like a MIGHTY WIND.” “It shall become known, not as a “five-fold” ministry; but, a UNIFIED SYMPHONY…for I AM releasing the Sound of Heaven. It shall blow through the land like a whirlwind, like a storm. And, the trees shall bow, and the rocks shall cry out, and the earth shall REJOICE!”
“Therefore, take what sound I have given you and lend it to the sound of those around you. Do not stay in the place of your own sound; but, let it be joined with the sound given to the ones around you. For, I AM releasing a NEW SOUND. And, the sound of it will draw all men unto ME. For, it is the song of HUMILITY, the song of GRACE, the song of DELIVERANCE, the song of JUSTICE, the song of RIGHTEOUSNESS, the song of PEACE.” “Now is not the time to remain in the place you were; but, to allow Me to gather you together with others. For, these are the days of a CLARION CALL, a unified call; for, you are MY MESSENGERS, and I call you forth as One Voice,” says the Lord.
“This,” says the Lord, “is a Pentecost moment. It is the release of MY WIND and MY FIRE. It is the Day of Greater Awakening. So, listen to those around you. Gather in together as a single voice. And, as I did before when I came in the wind and in the fire; so will I do in these days. And, great will be the harvest.”