The Song within Us-the Symphony of Heaven

I am fascinated with the Sound of Heaven. As far back as I can remember, I’ve been on an adventure of exploring the heavenly realm of God’s Kingdom seeking to hear and capture a ‘new sound’ in the Spirit and release it in praise. This passion has increased dramatically. There is a movement in the spiritual realm, an increase of sound which is stirring the hearts of God’s people as never before. More and more we are hearing people talk about the Sound of Heaven, and a growing excitement and anticipation of the “New Sound” of God that is coming.
Prophet Bob Jones said in an interview, “We began having prophecies in 1995 that there is a new sound coming, a new heavenly sound. It’s going to come in everything, and especially going to come in praise.”
I am saying with full confidence: The New Sound is here!
Of course, it’s always been here. It’s just that we have not been tuned to hear it–until now. We are being awakened to the Song Within Us-the Symphony of Heaven.
Let There Be Light
Scripture tells us that “God is Light” (1 John 1:5), and that He dwells in “unapproachable light” (1 Tim 6:16). God is a Being far beyond our comprehension. When John writes “God is Light” he is not saying Light is God. Light is not who God is, but the essence of what flows continually from Him-His Glory. Light of such power as to be “unapproachable”, or beyond all comprehension. Genesis 1:3 says, “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.” – It is out of His Being, out of Himself, that all things are created and hold together.
Sound is light. It’s the movement, or vibration of light in such a way as to be heard rather than seen. The speaking voice of God (or better-the singing of God) and the release of light are one and the same. The universe is resonating with the Song of the Lord. The hills really are alive with the sound of music. We, too, like all of Creation are alive with Song. However, unlike the rest of Creation, we are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27) and have the ability to engage and expand the Heavenly Sound. We can, not only hear the singing Voice of the Lord; but, to tune it in with increasing amplitude.
Expanding the Bandwidth
We are moving from glory to glory-“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Cor. 3:18). Every move toward God is a step into greater unity, or agreement, which expands our capacity to see and hear. The veil has been removed. We carry the fullness of Christ within and nothing separates us from Him. This is also true of His glory. Our movement from glory to glory is the expansion of the bandwidth of the Sound of Heaven we are already filled with.
This ‘New Sound’ is such that as we move deeper into God we find our perceptions growing. They become more and more acute. We actually begin to see and hear as never before. The Creative Flow opens in ways that are beyond imagination. This is the realm of ecstatic visions. This is the place of dreams and desires placed in us by JHVH! This is the atmosphere of mystics, seers, prophets, and worshipers who lift High Praises in Spirit and Truth–all who are awakened, aligned, and illuminated to see the Glory!
These are the Realms and Dimensions of Heaven we are created to live and move and have our being. For this is where we are seated IN Christ.
What does it take for us to engage this New Sound? I know of only one way-INTIMACY!
We are being called out of hiding, out of obscurity for such a time as this. The Bride is awakening to the Sound of Love! “Wake Up! Rise Up! Come Up! Release your Song even as I release Mine, and our New Song shall fill the earth with Glory!”
“O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.” (Song of Songs 2:14)
Our Bridegroom King, our Lover speaks this over us–and, we echo it back to Him. An “Antiphonal Song of Ecstasy”. This song echoes throughout the Secret Places, the Hiding Place of Love where our holy transformation takes place.
I hear the Spirit of the Lord say,
“To enter the Hiding Place of Love is to truly come alive. For it is here that all your senses are opened in a unified way to experience My Presence in glorious fullness. In the Hiding Place of Love, unencumbered by the burden of the flesh, unaffected by the discordant, darkened patterns of the world all your senses operate in complete agreement with My Creative Heart. And, we move as One New Man expanding the Sound of Heaven, our Song of Love, the Symphony of Heaven resonating throughout the earth with ever increasing Glory.”