
“Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.” (Colossians 2:20-23)

“I have made all things new. I have washed away the old in the Blood of the Cross. I have blown away the old with the Breath of My Spirit. I have struck down the old by the Power of My Word. ALL IS MADE NEW,” says the Lord.

“Beloved, I called you out of the darkness of death into the My Life. You have been ‘born from above’, ‘born again’, REBORN. Do you truly grasp this? I have given you back the life stolen from you by the serpent. I have brought you back to the spotless, unblemished, unstained, unmarred, unbroken union with Me; back to the place of FIRSTFRUITS–I have brought you HOME, back into the Garden of My Delights.”

“Once you were blind to all this; but, now you SEE. I have RESTORED your sight. Do you grasp this? Did I not say that no one can SEE the Kingdom of God unless he is born again? Does this not mean that with your rebirth comes the restoration of all that was taken from you? NOW YOU SEE! Now, you see My Kingdom and My Righteousness that is right before you; before your very eyes.”

The Lord says, “Hear Me well, My Children. This RESTORATION is much more than merely sight to your eyes. It is the restoration of ALL your SENSES. What you taste, touch, smell, hear, see are all open to My Kingdom. My Ways and My Thoughts, which are higher than the ways and thoughts of man, are now YOUR ways and thoughts; for, I brought you out of the dominion of darkness and INTO the Kingdom of My Son. Therefore, Beloved, what I taste, touch, smell, hear, and see you also experience.”

“I say this that you will be encouraged. You are NOT subject to this world system. The dictates of men cannot exert control over you. You are from above, not below. Your life is high and it is holy. You are hidden in Me, we are TOGETHER, and nothing can overcome us. We together OVERCOME. We together CONQUER. We together FILL THE EARTH with MY KINGDOM GLORY.”

“Make every effort, therefore, to press into Me. Do not allow anything hinder your pursuit of what I have placed before you, My Kingdom and My Righteousness. Cast out any thought or voice of fear or doubt or despair. These are the attempt of your defeated enemy to distract you from your pursuit, and deceive you into unbelief. Unbelief is his only weapon. For, he knows that it is only unbelief that keeps you from your rightful place as My Sons. It is only unbelief that stops the flow of authority and power to break the chains of injustice and bring healing to the land.”


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