Love-Saturated Life in the Place of Rest
“Won’t you tell me, lover of my soul, where do you feed your flock? Where do you lead your beloved ones to rest in the heat of the day? For I wish to be wrapped all around you as I wander among the flocks of your shepherds. It is you I long for, with no veil between us!”
(Song of Songs 1:7 TPT)
Ahh, my Lord! YOD HEY VAV HEY! My Life! My Love! I am hungry for more, so much more! The words of your beloved speak to my heart; “Won’t you tell me, lover of my soul, where do you feed your flock?”
I’m reminded that I am led into green pastures, that I move in and out through You in an ever deepening dance of intimacy. You have said clearly; “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” (John 10:9) I am invited into this beautiful, Love-saturated Life! Yes! Led into green pastures and quiet waters!
But then the question is asked by your beloved: “Where do you lead your beloved ones to rest in the heat of the day?”
Where DO You lead me, Yeshua? Is it not into your Rest? Is not the in and out and finding pasture the Love-saturated Life experienced in the place of Rest?
Yes! Into your Rest, where every form of disturbance, agitation of my soul that has wearied me, leaving me like a man in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water!
This is the cry of my soul! As David cried out:
“O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God!”
(Psalm 63:1 TPT).

As I’m thinking about this, I am conscious of the trauma resonating throughout the land, the sense of weariness as so many people are struggling under the clouds of darkness and the deep gloom that are covering the earth. And I believe at the deepest levels of our hearts is the cry of David.
I think his cry is the cry of all humanity, not just of a special, chosen person. We live and move and have our being in You regardless of who we are, where we live or what we do. Mankind is crying out in weariness! It’s when we awaken to your presence, not as a god of vengeance and wrath; but, the God of Love that the focus of our soul’s cry shifts from the sorrow of the lost to the yearning of the loved!
Here’s where my heart goes in this: “For I wish to be wrapped all around you as I wander among the flocks of your shepherds.”
I see these words and I am seeing the Church in her true identity as your Bride. I see the “flocks of your shepherds” not as members of an organization built into the framework of a religious system, but as an organically moving body woven together in the Fabric of Love! I don’t know how to express it! I just know in my heart that the days of “business as usual” are over!
And it all comes back to the place of Rest in the Intimacy of Union.
“It is you I long for, with no veil between us!”
This captures it all! There is no veil! There is no separation! The longing of my heart is not from a place of separation, but from a place of deeper intimacy! This is, for me, the reality of: “Taste and see that the Lord is good!”

YOD HEY VAV HEY! My Love! Sweep me up, up, and away IN You! Draw me into your Rest! And may this day and every day be lived in its fullness from the place of Rest in You! May every thought be taken captive by Rest! May every word resonate with the heavenly frequencies of Rest! May I be your lover wrapped all around You, enjoying the sweetness of your Love!