Look and Believe

“Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you!
Lift up your eyes higher! Look all around you and believe…!” (Isaiah 60:1, 4a: The Passion Translation)
In the midst of “global darkness†there’s Glory! And this Glory IS US!
“Yahweh’s glory now streams FROM you!â€â€”we are light as God is Light. As there is no darkness in the Lord, so too, is no darkness in us! This is an amazing truth! We are NOW filled with the supernatural Light of God!
In order to gain an understanding of what this means, we must GO UP! As Isaiah says, “Lift up your eyes higher! Look all around you and believe!”
I invite you to listen to “Look and Believe” as we shift our perspective from earth to Heaven. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places. We are one IN Him. Therefore, as He now is, so are we in this world.