“Essence of Our New Creation”

“My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and no longer lives. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me— we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine!”
(Galatians 2:20 TPT)

My Lord, these words are so familiar, and yet fresh and new with an energy flow of life that is so rich and full! I have known this verse almost all my life, but never really experienced it until I began to connect it with the ‘New Creation’ revealed by Paul:
      “Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new person. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new.”
(2 Corinthians 5:17 TPT)

I am enfolded into You! My old identity as a sinner by nature held captive by the law of sin and death has been co-crucified with You! This is an important statement! My old identity was set deep within by religious doctrines of separation from You and under the tyranny of coming under your wrath for falling short of your glory. There was a constant underlying at atmosphere of fear.

That old paradigm of religious belief no longer lives!

There’s a whole new essence of life! “New Essence!”  Essence is defined as, “the basic, real, invariable nature.” And, “the substance containing the characteristic properties in concentrated form.” The basic, real, invariable nature of my new life is a whole New Creation! And the very substance of my New Creation reality is our enfolded union in concentrated form! YES!

There’s real beauty in the way Paul describes this. My new life is no longer mine! Or as older translations say, “I no longer live.” In other words, my old patterns of living under the illusion of separation have disappeared!  The “I am” of my past identity has been completely altered.

There’s a saying which I’ve used in the past: “I am not a human being having a spiritual experience. I am a spiritual being having a human experience.” While in some ways true, it missed the mark. I still resonated with a sense of separation. In other words, My thoughts of being spiritual still echoed the patterns of religious “do-to-be”. I was being spiritual in that I was trying to live like You lived (the old, “what would Jesus do”). I hadn’t taken hold of the reality of I am AS You are.

That’s all changed in my embrace of this reality:   
  “the Anointed One lives his life through me— we live in union as one!” 

We live in union as one!

“New Essence” is “New Creation!”  I’m not simply a spiritual being having a human experience. I am as You are in this world! Or, as Paul wrote: “..Christ in you the hope of glory.”  And as I look at that statement, I am seeing hope not as something I am looking for in the future, but the manifestation of what all creation is longing to experience through me. In other words, to paraphrase Paul’s statement,
    “I am as You are revealing in my life the glory Creation herself is hoping for.”


This is flowing through me in ways I’ve never experienced before! I am sensing a growing awareness of union with You. Lately I’ve had the words, “Deep Ascension,” right before my eyes. Even now I am seeing this! I’m seeing it in these words,
        “My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine!”

My “new life” is empowered by your faith moving throughout my entire being in extravagant Grace-empowered Love! This is what I’m experiencing, and it’s growing moment by moment, day by day!

This is radically different than the standard classic translation of Galatians 2:20 which is written from a place of separation. In other words, suggesting that I am living by my faith in you because you loved me and gave yourself for me. The whole atmosphere is filled with what I’m doing because of what you did.

O, my Lord, what a difference the shift in perspective makes! How stunningly beautiful is my life in You!!

So, as I’m sitting with all this, soaking in the sweetness of the atmosphere of Love, I am embracing Paul’s words as my prayer. I am on such an amazing adventure! I want more than anything for these words, this prayer, to take me deeper into You and higher into my place of glory with You!

I pray, declaring that my old identity has been co-crucified with You and no longer lives! I shall not allow the past to dictate my present!

I pray, declaring that the essence of my new life carries the very substance of your life in concentrated form, that I am fully enfolded into You! There is NO separation from You!

I pray, declaring my life is empowered by your faith! I live and move and have my being IN You! I am as You are in this world, living and moving in the ever increasing flow of Grace-empowered Love!

O, my Lord and my Love! May all this be ever increasing, never decreasing! Until I am fully transformed and transfigured into the fullness of your glory!

Take me deeper into You that I may ascend higher in You!

Ah, I just heard this in my spirit,

“To lose myself in You is to find myself as You!” As You are, so am I!

And I hear You in my spirit,

“Abandon yourself to Me and you will find yourself as I AM! We are One New Man!


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