Entwined in the Lord
“Our confidence stems from knowing that even though it might feel at times that we are merely reduced to flesh; our greater reality is that we are entwined in the Lord. He is our permanent abode! We are totally engaged in the loveliness of that which is of exceeding great value; whether we are in a physical union with our bodies or a spiritual union with our source; it makes no difference to God’s esteem of us! We are highly favored by the Lord.”
(2 Corinthians 5:8-9 Mirror Bible)

There’s tremendous power and beauty in our Mystical Union in Christ.
Through the Blood of the Lamb we have been born from above as a completely new (never before existed, unique) creation.
We are a “New Being”-Humanity and Divinity made one in Christ. This is the mystery of: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27)
In his second letter to the church in Corinth, the apostle Paul speaks of the mystery of being both IN the flesh and IN the Spirit.
“Our confidence stems from knowing that even though it might feel at times that we are merely reduced to flesh; our greater reality is that we are entwined in the Lord. He is our permanent abode!”
We so often feel as if there’s a separation between us and the Lord. That we are ‘human beings’ having a spiritual experience with God, and when we are not having an experience we are left on our own.
In reality there is no separation. That feeling is an illusion.

There’s an inseparable Union, a “Greater Reality” that defines us. We are ENTWINED in the Lord.
The word “entwined” means to be wrapped, twisted together, entangled in such a way as to be inseparable.
I love the word, “entangled!“
Quantum Physics has proven the stunning reality of entanglement at the subatomic level in what is called “non-locality”–two particles that are entangled experience the exact same event even if separated by billions of light years. In other words: Because they are entangled, no matter where they are, they are still joined. Everything one experiences is simultaneously experienced by the other.
This defies what we understand about ‘time’, ‘space’, and even the foundation of the ‘speed of light’. For everything in this mysterious realm of Quantum operates completely outside of it all.
I believe God is using the Quantum Realm as a powerful demonstration of the Eternal Realm of Glory. This “Quantum Entanglement” is a stunningly beautiful revelation of our union in Christ.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ! (Romans 8:39). There is NO separation.

The experience of our union is found only through deepening intimacy with the One we are entwined in. It brings an ever increasing awareness of our “Greater Reality” which is our “Permanent Abode!”
We ARE co-crucified, co-buried, co-resurrected, co-ascended, and co-seated with Christ in the heavenly realms of Glory! We are IN HIM. Our place of being is HEAVEN!
I believe what Paul wrote is a wonderful meditation when we personalize it.
“MY confidence stems from knowing that even though it might feel at times that I am merely reduced to flesh; MY greater reality is that I am entwined in You, Oh Lord!”
What a great declaration to make! In fact, this is a powerful DECREE! For it sets in place a greater and ever deeper experience of our true reality! Can you see this? Can you feel it? I can!
As I have been sitting with this, I feel a very strong FIRE rising up inside. To use an old phrase: “There’s a burning in my bones!“ WOW!!

I am seeing an image of a campfire. I see the wood being placed and a fire ignited under the wood. At first the fire is only a small flame; but, as it’s carefully tended, the flames grow into an intense fire.
Now the image of FIRE speaks of our UNION in Christ, for the wood in the fire is completely one with the fire. The wood is consumed in the fire, transfigured into the fire itself. The wood is becoming all flame!
There’s a story of a disciple of a Desert Father who looked through the window of the old man’s hut to see him praying. The Father’s arms were raised to Heaven and as he prayed, fire came off his hands. Later, the disciple asked him if he could teach him to pray like that. The old man simply replied, “If you wish, you can become all flame.”
In the consummation the two, the wood and fire, have become one with the wood becoming ALL FLAME!
I hear: “ALL FLAME!” “This is the Eternal Love Story!” This is what we are created for and called into through our Union in Christ.
To embrace this brings us into an ever deepening and expanding experience of what Paul says:
We are totally engaged in the loveliness of that which is of exceeding great value; whether we are in a physical union with our bodies or a spiritual union with our source; it makes no difference to God’s esteem of us! We are highly favored by the Lord.”
We are highly favored, Lovesick Lovers entwined in Yeshua. What an amazing life!