Energized in Love’s Glory

“O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God!”
I’m energized every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory.”
(Psalms 63:1-2 TPT)
Father, Almighty God, wrapped in radiant glory, enthroned above all in inexpressible Light,
I worship You!
Son of God, Holy One of Love, King of Kings and Lord of lords, Redeemer of all, seated at Father’s right hand full of grace and mercy,
I worship You!
Holy Spirit, loving Councilor, tender and sweet Comforter, blissful Companion of intoxicating Joy,
I worship You!
My Lord, one simple statement! Yet, it carries an energy of passionate desire that is so strong it’s palpable! The ecstatic outburst of David is electrifying!
Ah, indescribable surge of desire deep within me!
I’m caught by the word, energized! I am ENERGIZED! It’s something so different from what I’ve experienced in the past. I am finding this energy is not simply emotional, although it certainly is effecting my emotions! There’s actually a shifting of the patterns of frequencies composing the structure of my being which is causing me to feel alive in a whole new way.
In the past I wouldn’t have even thought about it this way. I wouldn’t have thought of frequencies, or the way I experience life is determined by the patterns of frequencies moving throughout my being. I never ‘connected the dots’ in the words of Paul:
“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light”
Now I’m realizing the shifting of patterns from lower level, earthbound frequencies which carry the energy of darkness, into the higher level frequencies of heaven which carry the energy of Light, or as John put it; “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” I’m recognizing I am light in You, and the more I embrace You in deeper intimacy, the greater the Light of life in You I experience.
All this to say, I am energized! Ha! This is so wonderful, Lord!
Now, of course, the context of this statement is David’s lovesick longings. The fulfillment of these longings is found in his words, “I enter your heavenly sanctuary to seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory.” As I look and think about his words I realize he wasn’t speaking of a destination. He was speaking of the awareness of his place of union.
This is what I’m becoming more aware of. The reality that I am enfolded into You and this reality extends beyond into all of Creation.
J. Phillip Newell writes: “God is at the heart of all life, in both the visible and invisible. We don’t have to try to reach God through acts of devotion, for God is closer to us than our very breath.”
Celtic spirituality, which I am embracing as I awaken in You, Lord, resonates in the reality that, as Newell puts it: “God is the Being on which all being rests, the Life at the heart of all that has life.” To this reality I abandon myself to You!
I am seeing more and more how the patterns of my thoughts, attitudes and actions which are not healthy and life-giving are not evidence of an unredeemed sin-nature. Rather they are evidence of my lack of awareness of your Presence. The words of David speak to me of this as he writes of “this weary wilderness.”
He also writes of how lovesick he is for You. The thirst, cravings and yearning of his heart for You that are so powerful that they can’t be described. These are in the midst of the weary wilderness of the earthbound existence. David understood his own personal struggles with the flesh. His response was to abandon himself to You—“every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary”—this response is for me such a beautiful expression of “Falling In Love!”
I’m sitting with all this and I am reminded of Job’s response to his awakening to your Presence:
“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.
Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.”
(Job 42:5-6 NKJV)
I remember how I was brought up in the belief system under the law of sin and death, and how these words were seen as a mortifying of the flesh to appease an angry, disapproving God. But, all that has collapsed under the weight of Love! Repentance is a ‘sustained way of thinking upwards’, an awakening and returning to our true place of being IN You. It’s the recognition that You are at the heart of ALL life!
Job and David were experiencing and expressing the same thing. Although generations apart, they both experienced the deep longing for You and as they were awakened, the irresistible pull into your heart reframed their entire lives!
This is where I’m finding myself right now. It’s painfully beautiful!
So then, as I sit with all this my heart is drawn into David’s words: “I’m energized every time I enter your heavenly sanctuary..” There is a direct correlation between the raising of my frequencies into the higher realms of glory and the experience of the power of your Love flowing throughout my life. Or as Paul put it: “The demonstration of the Spirit and power.”
Maybe a better way to describe this is from my place of union with You. The deeper into intimate union with You the higher the frequencies of my being are raised in You. This can be described as “Deep Ascension!” The embrace of union takes place in the heavenly realms of glory were I am already co-seated with You. The Secret Chambers of Intimate Love are dimensions in heavenly places known only to Lover and Beloved, heavenly sanctuaries where I, in the words of David, “seek more of your power and drink in more of your glory.”
All this brings me back to the beginning and David’s outburst of desire in verse one.
I embrace his words, making them my own! There’s a heart-to-heart connection with David which defies time and space! It’s as though I am standing right next to him as what he cries out in ecstasy is being penned by the scribe who is recording this psalm!
This is “cardognosis” which is always operating in heaven. And it’s a powerful reality of eternal life in all of creation, something buried deep within under layers of darkness governed by religious mindsets, but rising up in the greatest Awakening of all time! As Paul wrote:
“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

I make David’s words my prayer, Lord!
“O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God!”
Ah, yes! May my thirst and my cravings find their fullness in You alone! I drink of You! I eat of You! I feast upon You at the Table of Love as we move together, enfolded as one! Lover and Beloved eternally united in Life!