Throughout history creators relied on patrons who saw the value in their work and supported them as the moved in their creative destiny.
The framework for support of creative ministries has radically changed as we have moved into the Kingdom Age.
With this movement has come the revelation of the “Trading Floors of Heaven” and our access onto these floors to enter into agreements with those Father is bringing into our lives.
What once was in the church the plea of ministries for “donations” has shifted. We are now embracing our active participation in each others lives.
It works like this:
We join with each other as trading partners. As you trade into our lives with your investment, we in turn trade into your life with the expanding flow of creativity; and, together we expand the Kingdom of God i a much more powerful way than if we only worked alone.
“Trading Partners” is our platform for investment.
Donna and I invite you to join us on the Trading Floors of Heaven by becoming an investment partner.
You can invest any amount you want. There’s no minimum or maximum.
You can make a one-time investment, or set up to invest monthly.
The choice is yours.
Start enjoying the adventure of trading TODAY! Click the button below to get started.