“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11a)
I’ve been captured by the wonder of these words which come in the context of some
of the most famous words of scripture. They also come immediately after Solomon
says, “What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laidÂ
on the human race.”
It seems to me that our immediate interpretation to the words, ‘toil’ and ‘burden’ are
so negative. They speak of a terrible weight God places upon us. That our lives are to
be lived in a daily grind of one struggle after another with no hope of victory.
But, the reality is that these words do not speak of such a desperate struggle. They
speak of our PURPOSE, our DESTINY. Our Father has created us to live a life of tremendous beauty.
You and I are created with a purpose to bring God’s beauty into every area of our lives.
It makes no difference what the circumstances may be in our individual lives. There are very real, heart-wrenching tragedies that strike at every human being. Life is difficult. These events, circumstances, will either make us or break us. They will either define our destiny or abort it. The choice is ours.
I cannot, will not, make light of the very real pain in our lives. But, I will only invite each of us to enter into God’s BEAUTY. He never promises immunity from pain, sorrow, tragedy, or loss. He will, however, promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. He will NEVER let us go.
In the midst of the storms, He speaks to the storms, “Peace, be still”. In the midst our daily struggles He offers us His Beauty.